They say that no man is an island, and that could not be truer as Jimmy Mulzet shares through his memoir, “Facing the Challenge, Beating the Odds: The Jimmy Mulzet Story 'Revised Edition,'” which tells of his journey filled with hardships. In the book, he tells readers how he has found immense strength under God's guidance.
When faced with the darkest time(s) in their lives, most people surrender when they lose all hope. The same cannot be said for Jimmy, a person who has only known a life of struggle. Despite it all, he remained steadfast and patient in his faith.
“Facing the Challenge, Beating the Odds” takes the readers along with Mulzet as he recalls how he nearly passed away even before celebrating his first birthday. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was only six months of age. Despite being told in his diagnosis that he would never be able to walk, he soon found solace in the fact that God provides miracles.
The best part? A miracle indeed did happen to Jimmy, as with the loving support from family and especially God himself, Mulzet overcame the impossible: learning to walk. This may be common for most people, but for Mulzet, this activity helps endless possibilities: a life of independence where he could go to school, make friends, and even run in the New York marathon!
Faith is an incredible thing; with it, a person can achieve anything and everything. That is the power of being a firm believer in God, just like Jimmy Mulzet. Be inspired by his story and share it with loved ones, friends, or anyone coping with disabilities. Get a copy of “Facing the Challenge, Beating the Odds: The Jimmy Mulzet Story 'Revised Edition,'” available in paperback, hardcover, and eBook, on ReadersMagnet Bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
Jimmy Mulzet has a Billboard ad that will be running at Times Square. Check it out on the following dates and times:
- December 23, 2024 –6th minute of every hour for 24 hours
- December 24, 2024 –6th minute of every hour for 24 hours
- December 25, 2024 –8th minute of every hour for 24 hours
- December 26, 2024 –6th minute of every hour for 24 hours
- December 27, 2024 –7th minute of every hour for 24 hours
Book Details:
“Facing the Challenge, Beating the Odds: The Jimmy Mulzet Story 'Revised Edition'”
Author: Jimmy Mulzet
Book Genre: Memoir
Publisher: ReadersMagnet
Published Date: October 2, 2024
Author Bio:
Jimmy Mulzet was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at six months of age and was never expected to walk. Not only could he walk, but his path led him in many directions. Recently retired after thirty-nine years working for the City University of New York, Jimmy is a devout Catholic who intends to use his faith as his guide to achieve much more in life.
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